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Hostels in San Marino Accommodation

Why not choose from a wide selection of accommodation in San Marino with guaranteed cheapest rates online? Our accommodation types range from San Marino 2* star Hotels , San Marino 3* star Hotels , San Marino 4* star Hotels , San Marino Apartments , San Marino Bed and Breakfast , San Marino Guest accommodation , San Marino Hostels .

Popular areas in San Marino

Accommodation is available throughout San Marino including most popular areas such as San Marino , Serravalle , Dogana , Murata , Valdragone and other areas.

Recommended Hostels in San Marino

San Marino   (all hostels in San Marino)

Hostel San Marino from € 20

Best Selling Hostels in San Marino

from € 20.00
Via 28 Luglio 224, San Marino
Offering affordable air-conditioned accommodation, Hostel San Marino is just 3.5 km from the historic centre. It features a large social area and free parking big enough for coaches. This modern host... more info on Hostel San Marino »